Nearing the end…. – 23.08.2013 by Oliver Cook

Well our last proper week of programme is finished considering next week is closing ceremonies and goodbyes. It’s crazy to think I have only one more week before I get to go travelling. My week has mainly consisted of me and Beam finishing up the painting at Rassandeniya by painting an alphabet and numbers as well as going over the outline of the painting with black marker pen. On the Friday we e took all the children from the Rassandeniya after-school, including Leonard’s daughter Rochelle to go the beach which was a lot of fun. The kids were determined to try and get me thrown in the sea, which failed dramatically as it ended up with me throwing them in instead. It was a good laugh everyone kicking water at each other, lying down in front of the waves and burying some of the kids alive to be a sand mermaid. So all in all it has been a nice and relaxed penultimate week of the programme, I am now just looking forward to the food galore we are going to get at all the closing ceremonies this week!