Day Six
No visits or meetings planned for today so an opportunity to catch up on writing notes for our findings so far.A visit to a turtle sanctuary revealed some local conservation work that is having significant success in increasing turtle numbers, 5 of the world’s 7 species of turtle are bred in the area. This was followed by some successful beachside bartering with local traders for various cultural icons. In an attempt to improve our social and cultural background knowledge of Sri Lanka, we travelled to Hikadurra and explored the environment, of both the coast and the town.
To continue building friendly and supportive relationships with Mr Runage’s team we met with Dhanush and his colleagues for an evening meal and a further discussion around their business. It was a pleasant and interesting evening.
The Stats at the end of Day Six:
- Members of team: 5
- Number of ants in bedroom: 0
- Number of dead ants in bedroom: 0
- Tropical storms: 16 (and one very big one)
- Mosquito bites: 15
- Near misses with falling coconuts: 2
- Near misses with falling palm tree branches: 1 (during the very big storm)
- Balloon Animals made: 223
- Cases of diarrhoea: 1
- Appearances on national TV: 2 (Sri Lankan Superstar)